Shouto Todoroki

Shouto Todoroki (Todoroki Shōto?) is a student at Yuuei training to become a Pro Hero. He got into Yuuei through a scholarship because of his powerful Quirk. Shouto has short, bicolored hair; the right side is white, the left side is red. He has a burn over his left eye. He possesses heterochromia, causing his eyes to be different colors. In his hero costume, Shouto wears a simple white shirt, white pants, and white boots. He also has ice covering his left torso and arm. In his new hero costume, Shouto wears a black t-shirt and black pants.

Shouto has a cold, aloof personality which stems from his harsh upbringing. Shouto appears to be quite seasoned as he battled a group of villains in a calm and composed manner, which indicates that he can be calm and collected. Though brutal in battle, he is well grounded on the ethics of heroism, only wishing to subdue his frozen opponents as opposed to killing them through prolonging their frozen states. After the first semester of Yuuei ends, Shouto still has a distant attitude but is not above socializing. Shouto had a deep loathing for his fire power, as it symbolized his father's wickedness towards him and his mother as well as symbolized what he was born for; a tool to surpass All Might, a fate that Shouto detests.

Shouto thought that by constantly using his fire power, he would become what his father wanted him to be (to surpass All Might, which Shouto doesn't want to do) and that he would become no different than his father (a heartless and selfish person), thus Shouto decided never to use his fire power in combat and only rely on his ice power, going so far as to cover his left torso and arm with ice whenever he appeared in his hero costume to symbolize his rebellion against his father and his fate. During his battle with Izuku in the Sports Festival, Izuku's words triggered his mother's words to him that he forgot; Shouto realized that he is not a slave to his bloodline and that his fire power is his own power belonging to him, not a power belonging to his father, therefore Shouto for the first time used his fire power in combat, deciding to become the Hero he wants to be (not what his father desires him to be). After his battle with Izuku, Shouto has shown to have mixed feelings about using his fire power, indicating that he has stopped loathing and rejecting his fire power to a certain degree. Shouto and his mother reconciled their relationship and after doing so, Shouto has come to terms with using his fire power, no longer loathing his fire side.

Tenya Iida

Tenya Iida (Īda Tenya?) is one of the protagonists of Boku no Hero Academia and the Class President of Class 1-A. Tenya has a tall and muscular physique. He has black hair and wears square shaped glasses. Tenya's hero costume is a black one piece suit with a high collar. He also wears a helmet that covers his entire head, a metal collar around his neck, armor on his chest, mufflers that start on his stomach then extend to his upper back, a metal piece below the mufflers, metal armbands that extend past his elbows, and metal boots that extend up past his knees and some that extend up that side of his legs.

He may look severe, but he's actually a very straight forward, earnest, diligent and serious person, who takes everything (even the most insignificant of things) seriously. Because of this he has a tendency to make quick assumptions on everything from his own performance to the actions of his classmates, such as praising Izuku's apparent insight of the entry exam's 'true nature', despite the contrary.

He is also a very humble person, who will admit his mistakes and try to improve himself; Tenya admitted that he wasn't a true Hero for seeking vengeance against Stain and decided to move forward so that people such as Izuku and Shouto don't surpass him as a Hero; Tenya decided to not have his left hand healed in order to remind him of his mistake and to motivate him to become a Hero anew. Tenya likes fair play, as he agreed to use the support gadgets Mei gave them for their match in the Sports Festival so that they could fight on equal terms. He also dislikes being manipulated, angered that Mei used him just so that she could advertise her gadgets during their match in the Sports Festival. Tenya admires his older brother, Tensei (also known as Turbo Hero Ingenium) and wants to become like him. Tenya's bond with Tensei is so strong that after Tensei was severely injured, Tenya became vengeful, wanting to avenge his older brother by disposing of Stain himself.

Ochako Uraraka

Ochako Uraraka (Uraraka Ochako) is one of the protagonists of Boku no Hero Academia. Ochako has shoulder-length brown hair and big round brown eyes. She sports 2 long locks of hair beside her face and a short bob at the back. She has little pads on the top of each of her fingers, similar to the pads on an animal's paws, which are used to activate her Quirk.

Her hero costume consists of a skin-tight suit with detached sleeves, knee-high boots, belt, helmet, collar, and thick, round bracers with handles attached to them. The accessories are designed to press her acupuncture points in an attempt to reduce her quirk's drawback. Ochako is an outgoing, lively person who thinks about everything positively. She gets excited over little things very easily and has a habit of overreacting, such as her doing a spit take or doing extremely funny expressions.

She can also be inadvertently blunt sometimes. Despite this, she has occasions where she takes on an extremely determined, focused and somewhat intimidating attitude when the situation calls for it, which can come as a surprise to those around her. When it comes to her chosen path as a hero, she is unwavering, even in the face of overwhelming force. She is also quite honest, deciding not to hide her pursuit of heroism being primarily for money, despite her embarrassment over admitting so. She does this with pride, knowing that it's for her parents' benefit. 

Katsuki Bakugou

Katsuki Bakugou (Bakugō Katsuki?) is a student of Class 1-A and a deuteragonist of the series. He has ash blond spiky hair and orange eyes. His hero costume is composed of a black sleeveless V-neck shirt with an orange X with the top half borders his shirt collar. His costume also has a seemingly metallic neck brace fashioned and used as a collar with three holes in both sides. His sleeves reach from within his large grenade-like gauntlets to his biceps. His belt, which also carries grenades, holds up his baggy pants with knee guards. He occasionally wears his hero mask that has large, flare-shaped cloth.

Katsuki is a very crude and aggressive person that has a tendency of bullying Izuku Midoriya, who he also treats in some ways as a rival. Brutal and bloodthirsty, he smiles eerily when he's put into battle. While battling, his personality reflects his fighting style. His brutish way of fighting is shown through the Battle Trial: mercilessly assaulting Izuku and having no regard for nearby objects, merely destroying them with his power. Despite this, he's quite talented in fighting, able to use his Quirk to not only destroy but to maneuver around the battlefield. While not the most mentally stable hero-in-training, nor having the image of one, he knows who his enemies and allies are. Cold to his allies, though not to the extent of friendly fire, but colder and brutal to his enemies. As the series progresses, his outbursts become less aggressive, usually becoming more comical, as he mostly gets angry at even small things like teasing.

With that in mind, Katsuki seems to mature slowly but is still quite cold and distant. He has a superiority complex and wants to be first and the best at everything. He doesn't like when people look down on him, as if they were superior to him; thus, it diminishes his already short fuse. Despite his extreme arrogance, he also thinks of people such as Izuku Midoriya as an obstacle on his path to becoming the greatest hero. Because of his complex, he's implied to be anti-social; He also seems to have bad memory, as he couldn't remember anyone's Quirks despite being in Yuuei for some time, and couldn't remember Eijirou's name. But after his fight with Ochako, he used her name, implying that he remembers the names of people who give him a challenge or who's ability he respects. Ironically, his inspiration for becoming a hero was the same as Izuku's, the Symbol of Peace All Might. However, their beliefs differ, as Katsuki feels a hero should never stop fighting or give up, regardless of the threat they face, as he believed that always winning is the mark of a true hero.

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya (Midoriya Izuku?) is the main protagonist of Boku no Hero Academia. Though originally born without a Quirk, he manages to catch the attention of the legendary hero All Might and has since become his close pupil and a student at Yuuei. Izuku is a 15 year old boy with green eyes and black curly hair with green highlights. During his Junior High School days, he wore a black gakuran uniform with yellow buttons. In Yuuei, he wears the standard male uniform: a light grey suit over a white dress shirt and dark green dress pants, along with a red necktie. Izuku usually wears oversized red shoes. Though initially very skinny, Izuku has gained an array of well-developed abdominal muscles after his training with All Might.

Izuku's first hero costume is a dark green/teal full-body (including mask) unitard with a red belt, elbow pads, knee pads, gloves, and red boots. It has long ear-like protrusions that resemble All Might's haircut, and a mask with a smile on it. During the Ultimate Space & Jams Arc, while his costume is being repaired, Izuku wears his gym clothes: a blue track suit with thick white lines over his upper body and legs, which form the letters "UA". After his fight with Shouto, the fingers on his right hand became a little deformed and he gained two scars on the sides of his hand.

Izuku is a very timid and polite boy. Due to being bullied since childhood for being born without a Quirk, he is initially portrayed as insecure, being more reserved and not self expressive, especially in front of Katsuki. However, after being accepted into Yuuei and facing Katsuki during Battle Training, he has gradually become more confident and brave. Izuku is also very diligent and strong willed. Since he greatly admires Heroes and has always aimed to be one, he has an habit of writing down in his notebooks all he knows about heroes and their quirks, including other Yuuei students. He is a very caring person, and will never hesitate to rescue someone in danger, even if he knows he's not strong enough. When someone has a personal problem, Izuku will always try to help, even if its not his business. Izuku also has the tendency to overthink with anything that grabs his attention, which makes him start mumbling to himself a lot.

Yūma Isogai

Yūma Isogai is a student in Korosensei's Class 3-E at Kunugigaoka Junior High School. He is the male class representative. Isogai has somewhat spiked black hair with two small hair antennae at the top and brown eyes (pale gold in the anime). In addition to his personality, Yūma has been described as being very attractive and is one of the most popular members of Class 3-E. He's also popular with others from the main building and still receives love letters from females there despite the otherwise general discrimination.

Isogai is a kind, cheerful, and reliable person. He is modest, not at all boastful, and helpful. Isogai has been noted to have good leadership qualities and personal virtues, and due to that he's able to see all the individual strong points in his classmates. Because of these traits, he is considered to be an ikemen, which not only means handsome, but can also imply a flawless personality. Isogai comes from a poor family.

He has an unnamed younger brother and unnamed younger sister who happen to have the same hair hair antennae as him and lives with his sick mother. His father died sometime during his first year in middle school, leaving him to take care of his mother and their finances. To keep their expenses from going up, especially from their combined tuition struggles, Isogai began working part-time despite knowing that school regulations stated students weren't allowed to have jobs. At some point he was caught and unlike many of the students in Class E who landed there due to poor grades, he was put in there for violating that regulation.

Karma Akabane

Karma Akabane is a student in Korosensei's Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School who had been suspended from school due to his violent behavior. Karma is quite tall for a middle school student. He has pale skin, short red hair, and pale sharp eyes that appear as either mercury or gold in color. Behind his usual innocent-looking smiling face hides a torturous and rather sadistic personality. He has a slender build and has also been shown to have exceptionally sharp canine teeth. Among all the Class 3-E students, he is the only one to wear a black blazer as opposed to the standard school-issue. In the anime, Karma is considered to be the most physically attractive out of all the guys in Class E by the girls.

Karma is well-known throughout the school for his violent behavior and troublesome attitude. When he was in the main building, due to the betrayal of his most-trusted homeroom teacher, he began to hate all people who called themselves 'teachers' and as a result has almost zero respect for any adults. He is shown to be be skilled in fighting, trickery, and manipulation, and takes great pleasure in harming others. He excels at using weaponry and foul play and is one of the few students thus far to have successfully injured Korosensei. Karma has been described by Karasuma as "at first glance, he comes across as being a lazy sort, but... there's a strong sense of mischief in his eyes."

Karma is quite relaxed most of the time as he occasionally skips out on things he finds boring, such as the school assembly. When fighting, he becomes brutal and has no qualms of hurting people who threatens him or any of his friends from Class E. It is also shown that he is one of the most intelligent people in the entire school, shown to be ranked 4th out of all 186 students in Kunigigaoka right after leaving suspension. He does not, however, want to return to the main building, stating that he finds assassination much more interesting. Regardless of his lazy personality, Itona has stated that Karma was probably the strongest within the class despite him not excelling in any particular area (shooting, knifework, etc). Most likely this means that Karma prefers to stick to tricks and pranks for assassinations rather than going into full-out combat, and also because of a certain "vision" Itona described to Terasaka. It has been mentioned by Karasuma, and proven many times, that Karma likes to humiliate his opponent. Despite all this, Karma actually has good morals behind his motives. The reason he was placed in Class E was because he had rescued a senior from Class E being bullied by students from the main building. He was, unlike his classmates, unprejudiced against them and still considered the senior a 'senpai. He's also shown to be hardworking when he wants to by studying diligently after the embarrassing exam arc although he hides it by making it look like he was playing video games. Unexpectedly, Karma is a fan of superhero movies, like Sonic Ninja. It is also through this that he met and befriended Nagisa Shiota.

Irina Jelavic

Irina Jelavić is the English teacher of Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School and a professional hitwoman hired by the government to assassinate Korosensei. As a honey trap infiltration assassin, Irina is a very seductive person. Her flawless acting skills allow her to adopt any personality that might benefit her in her mission. This allows her to execute her targets at point blank. As a killer, she's ruthless and always achieves her objective. Her extreme resilience is one of her most dangerous aspects as a hitwoman, since no matter how many times and ways she has to try, she will ensure her target is dead. Outside of work, she's shown to be a surprisingly normal, even clumsy person. The luxury lifestyle she lives in as a high class hitwoman made her lose touch with the everyday world.

At times, her attitude seems even childish and extremely unprofessional, much to the chagrin of Karasuma. Her true self, however, is extremely insecure and unstable. She has little to no trust in people, and seems to be afraid of her own feelings. Her traumatic memories from childhood never left her, and thus she didn't grow up properly as a person. She had shut off her feelings completely to be able to perform her job properly, and became afraid she might not be able to live that life anymore upon realizing how much she cared and truly felt about the students and especially, about Karasuma. After the God of Death incident which forced her to confront her traumatic past, Irina has since acted more professionally and much less arrogantly than before.

She is more subtle in seducing people with just her facial beauty such as attracting delinquent students to do what she suggests during the school festival. However, she is still prone to being mildly immature, for instance giving inappropriate sexual answers in a mock parent-teacher interview (almost causing Megu Kataoka to stab her in rage). Irina is a tall, beautiful young woman. She has long blonde hair, big blue eyes, and fair skin. With an ample bust and a curvy physique, she has a very seductive body that she utilities to seduce and manipulate her assassination targets in order to achieve her goal. Irina is usually seen in high brands and fashionable clothing which emphasizes her flattering form. This often causes Karasuma to reprimand her for wearing "inappropriate" clothing for a teacher. After the events of the God of Death arc, she switches to a much more conservative apparel, which consists in a turtleneck sweater and a long black skirt. Despite her life experiences and mature appearance she's revealed to be only 20 years old, much to the surprise of her students.


Korosensei is the homeroom teacher for Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, and the central character and main antihero of Assassination Classroom. Korosensei claimed to be responsible for creating the permanent crescent moon and said that he plans to destroy the earth after "teaching" Class 3-E for a year. Prior to being a teacher he was the master assassin known as the "Grim Reaper ."

Korosensei has the appearance of an octopus. He is about three meters tall, and has a large, bulbous head with a large smile and small, beady eyes. He uses two feelers as arms, with two fingers each, and uses the rest of his tentacles to walk with. He wears a black academic dress, a small black square academic cap with a yellow tassel, and a black tie with a yellow crescent-shaped moon on it. As a human he had black hair that reached to his nape and dark eyes. He was notably attractive and was described as having a smile kinder than anyone else.

Korosensei is very smart to the point that he can teach almost every subject by himself. He loves sweets almost to extreme cases and is also shown to be a very perverted character, a trait he shares with his student Okajima. He is also rather kind, and can switch from silly to serious on the fly. One of Korosensei's attributes is the fact that he is able to connect to each student individually. This is the reason why all the students respect him despite the fact that he is going to blow up the Earth in a year. According to Aguri Yukimura, if he was born in a peaceful country, his personality would be "someone a little perverted, with a good head but a few screws loose, petty about small things, and also a lot stubborn... or something like that." He has/would have "a gentle smile not just for business, but because he is a gentle person himself." This prediction happens to reflect his current personality which became forefront after he answered the tentacles.

Tadaomi Karasuma

Tadaomi Karasuma is an agent sent from Japan's Ministry of Defense to supervise Korosensei. In Kunugigaoka Junior High School, he was admitted as an assistant teacher as well as the Phys. Ed. teacher in Class 3-E. Karasuma is a dashing young man with spiky black hair and piercing eyes.

He has a tall and muscular build. He dresses professionally in a black business suit with a white shirt and a black tie. He is described as being "cool" by his students. Karasuma is a strict but kind man, though he keeps a distance between himself and the students due to his status as an agent and his own professionalism.

He is also extremely dense when it comes to love, but isn't so oblivious that he doesn't figure it out eventually. Even though he comes off as distant, he's not completely devoid of emotion and seems able to express happiness very rarely; most notably, during violent situations. He is well known amongst militaries for his outstanding reputation and is a powerful individual, which he has proven when he easily overpowered Lovro, who is a retired assassin. Akira Takaoka considered him his rival when he was in military.