Tadaomi Karasuma

Tadaomi Karasuma is an agent sent from Japan's Ministry of Defense to supervise Korosensei. In Kunugigaoka Junior High School, he was admitted as an assistant teacher as well as the Phys. Ed. teacher in Class 3-E. Karasuma is a dashing young man with spiky black hair and piercing eyes.

He has a tall and muscular build. He dresses professionally in a black business suit with a white shirt and a black tie. He is described as being "cool" by his students. Karasuma is a strict but kind man, though he keeps a distance between himself and the students due to his status as an agent and his own professionalism.

He is also extremely dense when it comes to love, but isn't so oblivious that he doesn't figure it out eventually. Even though he comes off as distant, he's not completely devoid of emotion and seems able to express happiness very rarely; most notably, during violent situations. He is well known amongst militaries for his outstanding reputation and is a powerful individual, which he has proven when he easily overpowered Lovro, who is a retired assassin. Akira Takaoka considered him his rival when he was in military.

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