Katsuki Bakugou

Katsuki Bakugou (Bakugō Katsuki?) is a student of Class 1-A and a deuteragonist of the series. He has ash blond spiky hair and orange eyes. His hero costume is composed of a black sleeveless V-neck shirt with an orange X with the top half borders his shirt collar. His costume also has a seemingly metallic neck brace fashioned and used as a collar with three holes in both sides. His sleeves reach from within his large grenade-like gauntlets to his biceps. His belt, which also carries grenades, holds up his baggy pants with knee guards. He occasionally wears his hero mask that has large, flare-shaped cloth.

Katsuki is a very crude and aggressive person that has a tendency of bullying Izuku Midoriya, who he also treats in some ways as a rival. Brutal and bloodthirsty, he smiles eerily when he's put into battle. While battling, his personality reflects his fighting style. His brutish way of fighting is shown through the Battle Trial: mercilessly assaulting Izuku and having no regard for nearby objects, merely destroying them with his power. Despite this, he's quite talented in fighting, able to use his Quirk to not only destroy but to maneuver around the battlefield. While not the most mentally stable hero-in-training, nor having the image of one, he knows who his enemies and allies are. Cold to his allies, though not to the extent of friendly fire, but colder and brutal to his enemies. As the series progresses, his outbursts become less aggressive, usually becoming more comical, as he mostly gets angry at even small things like teasing.

With that in mind, Katsuki seems to mature slowly but is still quite cold and distant. He has a superiority complex and wants to be first and the best at everything. He doesn't like when people look down on him, as if they were superior to him; thus, it diminishes his already short fuse. Despite his extreme arrogance, he also thinks of people such as Izuku Midoriya as an obstacle on his path to becoming the greatest hero. Because of his complex, he's implied to be anti-social; He also seems to have bad memory, as he couldn't remember anyone's Quirks despite being in Yuuei for some time, and couldn't remember Eijirou's name. But after his fight with Ochako, he used her name, implying that he remembers the names of people who give him a challenge or who's ability he respects. Ironically, his inspiration for becoming a hero was the same as Izuku's, the Symbol of Peace All Might. However, their beliefs differ, as Katsuki feels a hero should never stop fighting or give up, regardless of the threat they face, as he believed that always winning is the mark of a true hero.

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