Ochako Uraraka

Ochako Uraraka (Uraraka Ochako) is one of the protagonists of Boku no Hero Academia. Ochako has shoulder-length brown hair and big round brown eyes. She sports 2 long locks of hair beside her face and a short bob at the back. She has little pads on the top of each of her fingers, similar to the pads on an animal's paws, which are used to activate her Quirk.

Her hero costume consists of a skin-tight suit with detached sleeves, knee-high boots, belt, helmet, collar, and thick, round bracers with handles attached to them. The accessories are designed to press her acupuncture points in an attempt to reduce her quirk's drawback. Ochako is an outgoing, lively person who thinks about everything positively. She gets excited over little things very easily and has a habit of overreacting, such as her doing a spit take or doing extremely funny expressions.

She can also be inadvertently blunt sometimes. Despite this, she has occasions where she takes on an extremely determined, focused and somewhat intimidating attitude when the situation calls for it, which can come as a surprise to those around her. When it comes to her chosen path as a hero, she is unwavering, even in the face of overwhelming force. She is also quite honest, deciding not to hide her pursuit of heroism being primarily for money, despite her embarrassment over admitting so. She does this with pride, knowing that it's for her parents' benefit. 

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